DBAR ICoE-Lusaka
June 25, 2018
University of Zambia
Focal Person
Luke E. Mumba
The inaugural meeting of DBAR International Center of Excellence at Lusaka (ICoE-Lusaka) held on June 25, 2018 at Lusaka, capital of Zambia. Hosted by University of Zambia, it is the third ICoE launched by DBAR. DBAR ICoE-Lusaka hosted several technical training workshops related to agriculture monitoring and food security early warning in southern African countries in support of DBAR Agriculture and Food Security Working Group (DBAR-AGRI). Jointly hosted by DBAR ICoE-Lusaka and CropWatch team, the workshops and seminars have enhanced the capacity of Mozambique, Zambia and other southern African countries for agricultural monitoring to aid policy making and support services for indicators related to the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as SDG 1 No Poverty, SDG 2 Zero Hunger and other relevant indicators.
The ICoE-Lusaka aims to promote scientific cooperation between DBAR and the African region on big Earth data, in addition to supporting the Sustainable Development in Southern Africa. The center will construct the service network for big Earth data in southern Africa through interdisciplinary data sharing, knowledge sharing, and capacity building, which will provide scientific and technological support for research into key issues of sustainable development goals such as food security and climate change in Africa.