The DBAR Water Working Group (DBAR-WATER) mainly focuses on research topics related to water using Earth observation techniques, such as the water cycle, water resources management, crop water use efficiency, droughts, and floods in the Belt and Road countries.


Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Marco Mancini

Politecnico Di Milano

Bob Su
Twente University
Email: z.su@utwente.nl
Overview of Activities
DBAR-WATER is aiming solve the problems related to water resources in the Belt and Road countries using Earth observation techniques through research studies, capacity building activities and strengthening international cooperation. Its objectives have been to develop general water resource mapping, understand hydrosphere and climate processes, adapt water management systems, improve water productivity in agriculture, drought and flood management and understand high level hydrology.
It will work to deepen the current research work under the framework of general objectives and special tasks in the DBAR Science Plan and work to strengthen the capacity building for water resources research over the Belt and Road regions, especially by utilizing DBAR ICoE–El Jadida.
It will focus on applying for new project funding around the research themes in DBAR-WATER.

DBAR-WATER worked on multiple research undertakings, in different part of the word covering various aspects of water in different contexts such as land use and land cover change, regional water balance, precipitation and ET, agriculture, droughts and glacier and lakes. It is also working to develop datasets for land and water resource.
It will work to finalize cooperative details on the project for crop water footprint using satellite data between Iran and China, organize the annual DBAR-WATER working group meeting in Mongolia in 2019, and carryout field investigation in North/West Africa, southeast Asia in 2019.

Network Development
DBAR-WATER working group currently cooperates with 19 partnerships from 15 countries. It involves institutes and organizations. It has signed the 8 MOUs with different partners. A large number of the partners are from international countries in Africa and Europe however, and it has also developed important relations with multiple regional organizations.      
DBAR-WATER will work to extend the scope of the DBAR ICoE-El Jadida, organize workshops for capacity development and apply for joint research project.

DBAR-WATER has multiple deliverables related to technical reports, publications, seminars, training programs, conferences, sessions in addition to atlas of water resources derived from Earth observations for the Belt and Road region. It is planning to develop harmonized network of Earth observation for water resource assessment and management, improve capacity building on Earth observation for water resources and water security among the Belt and Road countries, develop datasets, atlases, and continue to produce reports and research publications.

SDGs Addressed
DBAR-WATER focuses on contributing to the SDGs 6 of clean water and sanitation to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, especially to the SDG6.4.1 on the change in water use efficiency with time and the SDGs 6.6.1 on the changes in the scope of water-related ecosystem over time. 
